var translations = { lang: "en", connectionError: "Communication with the server failed", errorsInTheForm: "Occurred errors in the form", addressAdded: "Address has been added to the list", fieldCannotBeEmpty: "Field can not be empty", fieldMustBeANumber: "Field must be a number", wrongInputLength: "Incorrect number of characters", lYes: "yes", lNo: "no", uYes: "Yes", uNo: "No", save: "Save", cancel: "Cancel", calculationConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to place new calculation?", saveAnotherCalculation: "Save another calculations based on the above one", orderConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to place a new order?", saveAnotherOrder: "Add a new order based on above one", incorrectEmailAddress: "Incorrect address e-mail", passwordTooShort: "Password is too short.", firstNameTooShort: "Name is too short.", incorrectFirstName: "Incorrect charaters in name", lastNameTooShort: "Surname is too short.", incorrectLastName: "Incorrect charaters in surname", dataDoesNotMatch: "The data does not agree.", incorrectNipNumber: "Incorrect Tax ID no.", incorrectHouseNumber: "Incorrect house number", incorrectFlatNumber: "Incorrect flat number", incorrectCity: "Incorrect city name", incorrectPostalCode: "Incorrect postcode", incorrectRegionalCode: "Incorrect phone number", incorrectPhoneNumber: "Incorrect phone number", incorrectName: "Incorrect charaters in name or surname", tooMuchCharacters: "Too much characters", noteCannotBeAddedYes: "You can add a note after completion of sending files", loading: "Loading...", uploadPending: "Sending files, if you close this window, sending will be interrupted.", cancelCalculationConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to cancel this calculation?", cancelOrderConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to cancel this order?", deleteAddressConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete that address?", genericConfirmation: "Are you sure?", paymentChanged: "Note: Payment method has been automatically change due to the amount of the order.", acceptPreflightConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to accept the preview? After accepting, your order will be executed.", doNotAcceptPreflightConfirmation: "Are you sure you do not accept the preview? Please make sure that you left a note with a comment on each of the file you do not accept. In case the preview is not accepted, you need to send new files to print.", allFilesSentConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to confirm sending all files?", fileTypesDescription: "Files for printing", uploadQueue: "In the queue", uploadLimit: "You have selected too many files. Please select a smaller amount.", uploadSending: "Sending:", uploadFile: "File", uploadFormat: "over", uploadProgress: "Sending...", uploadError: "An error has occurred in the connection with the server. Please try to upload the unsent files again", uploadCanceled: "Sending...", uploadRecivingError: "Error receiving file", uploadSent: "Sent" };